domingo, 8 de agosto de 2010

je ne sais pas.....

Como era bom termos o poder de ler a minimamente a mente de outro em caso de urgência.... Nao entendo a frieza e a distancia com que me enfrentas estes dias.... Que mal fiz eu desta vez que nao entendo?!
Odeio ser tratada com indiferença...
Don't you wish me anymore?! It's what it seems... I can't feel a damn warm feeling from you anymore....! Nothing at all... Did all the atraction disapeared??? Can't understand you.
Lateky I can't say or do anythin to you because nothing can be taken as a simple game\play.... Can't understand what's going on with you....with us! I love you....i really really do! With all my eart! I've not done anything to hurt you.... Can't understand at all this lack of interest and FIRE from your part.... I can'tfeel your sparkle at all....I miss you....I miss us!
This is cold....
I wish....I could understand!!!!!